Sunday, September 19, 2010

Little Tikes Table

Little Tikes EasyStore Table

Little Tikes Table. This is definitely an indoor/outdoor table "unlocks" and folds for portability or storage within the storage or basement. It has Seats for six kids. No instruments are needed to setup or take down. It consists of 2 cup holds.

Will bend and warp rapidly

I purchased this table for within use. I liked the concept of bench seating for my toddlers. It is really a secure table with large some problems. As quickly as your youngster sits on the table & believe me he won't be able to resist the table will sway/bend within the middle & stay that way. It makes it worthless for building blocks, arts, etc. It becomes a tea party table only & even then frustrates children because nothing will stand up on it. You won't want to give them real food on it because everything will topple & fall off.